fan mail

Posted: January 20, 2023 in Uncategorized

over a thousand letters have found their way into the pulsating heart of my inbox. The typical fare, “i love your stories,” or “if you ever kill such and such character, i will never read another of your books.” spoiler alert. she’s under the knife in the current story. i laugh and send replies, just happy someone is reading my work. after a few days, the letters and their writers are forgotten as my mind is filled with the debris of recent or upcoming days.

not you, though.

you carried me away saying, “i use your words to fill the empty spaces of my universe.”

and then proceeded to supply pictures of your new tattoo where you wear them like winding vines along your limbs.

“i will wear your voice and i will sing your words to the trees,” you said, and i felt slender spider fingers dancing across my neck and down my battered spine, gently probing places i didn’t realize needed touching.


  1. philplasma says:

    Nice to get fan mail. Probably about as gratifying as getting responses to a blog post.

  2. ghost says:

    these days blog comments are more rare. but then again, so are the posts.

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